Ray Sturdivant
With Ryan Schrag and Time to Revive in Florida
3 weeks ago, I had an encounter with a prayer minister that still seems surreal to me. When my anger, anxiety, Fibromyalgia, fatigue, weakness and depression and military injures lifted from me after 12 years, I was as stunned as anyone. My wife can vouch for changes that have given a good portion of my life back after 12 years of disability. This deliverance has changed my life.
The experiences I had with God during my session have been my greatest and most dynamic ones in my life so far. Even some time has past, to me it still seems like yesterday, and I meditate on the experiences constantly. During the session with Jesus and Ray I was delivered from the three most tormenting things in my life: panic attacks so severe I would convulse uncontrollably, digestive problems where everything I would eat would run right through me, and demonic dreams/nightmares where I was tormented by demons and sometimes close to death until I woke up screaming for help. I rejoice in these three deliverances but that rejoicing is insignificant in comparison to the experiences and words I have heard from God, for in these experiences I know the Person that was there giving them to me and can now consciously recognize HIS Spirit, discerning Him from myself and other spirits.
Mining the Truth has a gifting given to usher the presence of God and to discern what the Holy Spirt is conferring to others. Please keep helping others as you have helped me.
I did a session with Mining the Truth, and I encountered the presence of God that in return brought freedom to my life. In the process of the meeting there was a "core lie" over my life that was brought to the surface, and still a year later I am able to recognize the strategy of the devil to try and bring up this core lie. I know how to handle the "wiles of the devil" with Truth against this lie.
At the end of the session, I had an encounter with Holy Spirit flooding my body like a river which represented to me a fresh cleansing and baptism with Holy Spirit. I have done one other session, that actually broke some sort of "lustful"/ "sexual" Spirit off of my life. For years I have been walking in sexual purity but have been extensively bombarded with a ton of sexual thoughts that I had no desire to entertain.
I thought it was normal for years and would cast the thoughts down and not agree, but the thoughts seemed to be abnormal and aggressive. The more I talked to friends of mine about the thoughts I realized they were not normal for them. So, I did this second session with Mining the Truth, and I am realizing 3 months later that a 30-minute session over the phone with Ray a few months ago really did break some sort of spirit that was attacking my mind. Yes, temptation still comes but the temptation and thoughts do not come as they used too. I don't fully understand it all, but I do know that those spirits no longer feel like that have as much freedom to attack my mind. Thank you, Jesus, for new levels of freedom!
When Ray and I had our phone conversation I actually got free from sexual perversion, soul ties, lust, unworthiness, word curses, and generational curses in my family line. I could actually feel when we were on the phone this stuff leaving my body. I had been pressing into God and trying to be the very best person I could be but it wasn’t working. It is like walking with my feet in concrete. I would get up early every day and read my bible and pray for years but all of this stuff kept me from being able to hear the Father’s voice or feel His love for me. I am here to tell everyone there is HOPE and FREEDOM. If He can do it for me, He can do it for you too!!! Thank you Ray for being available and doing exactly what God has called you to do!
This is the first case of bipolar that I have seen Jesus heal right in front of me. Anthony is absolutely on fire for Jesus! Below is his testimony.
I can confidently say that I no longer live a life paralyzed by fear. After my encounter with Jesus, everything in my life has become so filled with joy, peace, and life.
When they say that Jesus came to set the captives free, they really mean that in the most literal sense. I am free from a lifetime of slavery to pharmaceuticals. I am free from the bondage of mental illness. I am free from the chains of hopelessness.
Eight years I wandered in the darkness. Eight years I went from hospital to hospital, doctor to doctor, pill to pill. In just a two hour deliverance session with Ray, I made the decision to go from death to life. I let Jesus in my life and surrendered to freedom. His presence filled the room in the same tangible way, his presence now fills, my heart everywhere I go. The freedom is indescribable.
We often do not know how enslaved we are until we see the world of hope outside the prison of our minds. Now unbound, all my hope is in Jesus. He has taken me higher, shone me brighter, and taught me more than I could have literally ever imagined. If there is a longing in your heart for freedom let the Lord free you. If there is a sense of enslavement to illness, let the Lord heal you. If there is a yearning for direction in your life, let the Lord show you the way. My name is Anthony and I am no longer a slave to fear.
My bipolar and schizophrenia have been nowhere to be found ever since the light has filled me up leaving darkness no place to hide. I am free, and for that I have to thank my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.
I first met Ray Sturdivant when my husband and I attended Voice of the Apostles in August, 2016. He sat behind us the last day of the conference and I believe it was a God appointment. When Ray told us what his ministry was about, I was immediately interested in having an inner healing session. I also felt in my heart that God was calling me into a ministry of inner healing.
The morning I was getting ready for my session, I heard the Holy Spirit gently say, “Your life is about to change.” It takes an hour and forty minutes to get from my home to Ray’s office. On the drive, I heard two sermons; one by David Jeremiah and the other by Joel Osteen. One was on love the other on forgiveness. I had to smile at God. I knew these two would be key to my finding freedom.
For several years, God has been taking me on a journey of releasing fear in my life. But I knew there was deeper work that needed to be done. During my session with Ray through guided prayer, I was able to get to the root some of the lies the enemy had planted in my heart, break agreement with them and receive the truth of God. Being able to go back to those times of trauma, see that Jesus was there through the whole thing, receive the truth of my value and how deeply I am loved, has changed my world.
I no longer stress and worry if my performance will show others my value. I now operate out of love because I know the love and value my Father has for me. A deep peace has been deposited in me that I now live out of. A few days after my session, I had someone publicly say some very unkind and untrue things about me. I wasn’t bothered by it because I knew my Father knew it wasn’t true and that was enough for me. Also, I had been having pain that would come and go in my right foot. I hadn’t gone to the doctor with it, but it was getting worse. My foot pain was healed during this session.
I told a friend that it was as if I had been living my life looking through a dirty lens. This session was as if someone had taken Windex and paper towels and cleaned it up.
I know there are more lies to be uncovered and truths to be received and I will be going back for further ministry. But this one session has changed my life.
I knew I had a lot of things to unpack in my life but what I didn't know was the extent of what living through alcoholism, sexual abuse and even more pain that I had inflicted upon myself had caused. I (who God created me to be) was hidden and buried beneath shame, rejection, insecurity, fear and deception. The enemy had taken all of those situations in my life and used them to bound me up in lies. Lies that I believed to be true about who I am, who I was and who I could ever be.
As we walked through our prayer time together, the Holy Spirit began to show me how I was bogged down and how pain upon pain caused me to have no idea who I really was in Christ. We began to walk through a timeline of my life and it was like a light bulb went on as the Holy Spirit began to expose the lies with His TRUTH! I began to call out the thoughts and beliefs that were holding me back, the things that were hiding the real me, the areas that were causing such heaviness and doubt, the lies that kept me from believing truth. I was held captive in my own mind.
And then, God showed me, me. As He sees me. The words came to me are beautiful, loved, valued, redeemed and you have dignity all because of Jesus! At that moment, I came out of hiding and was a little 5-6 year old girl standing in a yellow dress twirling around. Why? Because when a little girl puts on a pretty dress and twirls around, she is dancing.
Spending time in prayer with Ray and Cherry is like you are sitting down with old friends and then God just shows up. God has given them such a passion and desire to see people walk in their full identity of who they are in Christ all because of Christ! My time in prayer was vulnerable but safe. Gentle and powerful. Painful yet freeing.
And now I am dancing, dancing with joy, uninhibited and free!
Psalm 30:11 You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness,
12 That my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.
I’d never heard of “Freedom Prayer,” but in a conversation with a friend, I knew God was leading me to take this next step. At the time, it felt like everything in my life had come to a grinding halt… Freedom Prayer was God’s appointment with me to open the door to the next chapter of my life. Ray and Cherry know the Holy Spirit and only want to see Him do what He wants to do.
There was a point in the ministry when the Holy Spirit brought me to an abusive event that happened in my life when I was a child. At first, I felt afraid to go into this room, but I felt and saw Jesus walk into the room with me. Once we were in the room, the Holy Spirit showed me the lie I believed that day and Jesus exchanged that lie for His truth. At that moment, I saw the image of a lion, beautiful and radiant. And as I began to hear Him roar, I could physically feel the roar go through my body and I began to shake. Jesus said, “I am the Lion of Judah and you are my pride.”
Since this encounter with God, every day I wake up knowing God is for me. This truly is a new beginning for me!
Please accept our donation as a token of our appreciation for the healing prayer sessions that led to a breakthrough in my spiritual walk and inner healing. We could not begin pay you what it was truly worth to us. It has been a tremendous blessing to both my husband and myself.
I think I might have mentioned that, at different times in my life, counselors indicated they felt I had experienced childhood trauma beyond the verbal and emotional abuse I related to them. One even wanted to hypnotize me to “release the memories”, but I refused. I steadfastly believed that IF anything had happened, God would reveal it to me at the right time and in the right way. I am SO glad I waited!
Through praying with you, a memory surfaced that was very unexpected and shocking to me...nothing like anything I had imagined might have happened. And yet, because of the guided prayer and having both the visual and emotional sense that Jesus was right beside me as He gently brought the sexual abuse out into the light, I didn’t feel re-traumatized. Rather, there was a sudden “knowing” along with very rapid flashing images that allowed me to understand what happened without being overly graphic and overwhelming to my psyche. Although there was a torrent of emotions and sense of horror and grief about what I learned, Jesus was right there alongside me, comforting and assuring me, and healing the memory as you continued to guide me in prayer.
As a result, so many things make sense to me now, like why I suddenly went from a girly girl to a tomboy; why I strongly dislike the color pink; why I decided to pull out all my eyelashes so “he” wouldn’t think I was pretty anymore (I vividly remember that moment of decision and thought process and have wondered about it all my life, but I never knew the genesis until the healing prayer); and why my sexual history and relationship with my husband has been such a mess.
But even greater than understanding the past is the healing in the present. I have a deeper relationship with God, and the Truth is truly setting me free. I am growing closer to my husband and learning to trust him. We are reading God’s Word together daily and praying together regularly. I had a dream and remembered it after our first session, the first in a long time. Then God blessed me with deliverance through a dream shortly after the session that revealed the abuse.
I really appreciate your gentle spirit and the way you listen to God and lead the prayer process. I know there is more junk in my life to clean out and look forward to having other opportunities to pray with you.
With great thanks and praise to God,
From the moment I received Jesus into my heart in 2004, I began a very intentional journey of inner healing. For 38 years, I lived separate from my Father in Heaven and I wanted to recover everything He intended for me to walk in during my time here on Earth. I wanted all hidden trauma out of my cells. I wanted to be free like the child I never got to be. Most of all I wanted to feel Father’s love deeply. Despite years of pursuing various therapies of making my heart whole again, I have not experienced the breakthrough I had when I met Ray Sturdivant and encountered Jesus during my ministry time. In all honestly, the fruit of my session with Ray is that the encounters with the Lord keep coming in waves. There was such a deep connection made with the Lord that despite my mess-ups, I know Jesus in running to me. Shame, condemnation and rejection no longer stand a chance in my mind and most certainly not in my heart. My encounters with Jesus and the divine exchange with the Lord during Heart Sync were profound and have brought so many fragmented pieces of me into wholeness.
I have learned to come into a very honest relationship with my heart. To set aside time to thank and love my heart. To extend grace to my heart and accept the day’s provision. Everyday I filet my heart wide open to love. For me that is a Person who died for me and fills me daily to love my husband and those He has given me. My secret place time with Jesus has completely changed since my session with Ray and Cherry. I go into these incredible encounters with the Lord that are so clear and so real. It leaves me desperate for more and because the hard places of my heart have been dealt with I receive the more and more and more.
I’m Craig from Indiana. I just became a Christian February 23 2015 during Revive Indiana. Since then I’ve been to Australia for 6 months doing my DTS. It was a time for inner healing and growth.
I met Ray back in March of 2016 during Revive Sarasota Florida. As I was sharing with Ray what has been going on the last few months he told me about inner healing that could address some of my issues. I decided to go for it and God brought healing to areas of my life that I didn’t even know were there. I thought when I was out in Australia that I had taken care of all that.
Our session started up in the church and got distracted by another meeting going on in that room. So we went outside and found a place that was private to start our prayer session. As the session began, the Holy Spirit gave specific names of people to Ray that I needed to forgive. It had to be the Holy Spirit since Ray did not know me and certainly did not know the people he was getting names for. As I forgave each person, I gained more freedom and started to hear the Holy Spirit more clearly for myself and started seeing visions as the session progressed. Jesus healed memories and brought me closer to Him as the session went on. What I felt after was a peace I haven’t felt before.
As of today I’m going to college to get my Bachelors in Family Ministry and Minor in Religion. In High School I wasn’t a very good student. But during that session God healed me from a lot of pain and suffering that I had not been able to let go of in order to move forward. Thank you Ray for your obedience and willing to help others!
While Ray Sturdivant ministered to me, I encountered Christ like I have never encountered Him before. The Holy Spirit placed me in a house, representing my soul, with Jesus. We journeyed through several rooms, the garage, and a pantry. In each area, Jesus healed, directed, counseled, exposed, and simply ENJOYED time with me and I with Him. Unlike “deliverance sessions” focused on evil, Ray’s methods brought joy and healing through a fresh moment with Jesus. My wife also experienced Jesus in a new way. She loved that the session was visual and not simply verbal. She felt it was “three dimensional” throughout her time with Jesus. Ray was not overly intrusive, but focused, respectful, and a conduit for the Holy Spirit and accomplished more in two hours than many have attempted in several sessions.
Three years ago, while at work I shared my struggles with lust and pornography with a brother at work. Seeking accountability, I tried to tell my story about how I never felt free from bondage to this sin. We talked about the usual things- spending more time in the Word, remaining transparent with other men about your life. I’d been through the 12 step program and portions of Celebrate Recovery also.
My friend told me about Ray so I called him. He explained the modality of intercessory prayer and that he’d seen lives change dramatically with it’s use. We setup a time to meet at his house and Ray gracefully walked me through many resentments and forgiveness issues that I had never addressed; even having been through recovery programs. Ray explained that demonic power is rooted in unforgiveness. It is a stronghold they have to change a healthy God fearing thought life into pain and addiction, torture and weakness.
Immediately following the first session with Ray was liberating. I truly believe that the Holy Spirit was released to overdrive through Rays time with me. I felt alive again and flourished at home and work. I felt like a better husband, father, brother, soldier for Christ.
For whatever reason; About a year later, I went through what I call a deep sadness. I’d been sad before but never for a prolonged period of time. My profession does not allow medication to treat mental illness so I was in a bit of a conundrum. I believe a lot of the problem stemmed from overworking; not staying healthy and treating my body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps, I was so focused on providing that I lost balance pursuing the dollar instead of my one and only true God, Jesus Christ.
I called Ray. This time we met at the home of his friend. She was watching in order to learn from Ray firsthand how to help her clients as she is a counselor. Again, Ray, I believe, worked with the Holy Spirit to reveal whom I needed to forgive in order to advance on my spiritual journey. Jesus again wanted to show me how much he truly loved me and how unforgiveness was holding short the growth and plans to prosper he had for me. Again, it felt like being put into sixth gear, supercharged spiritually.
Recently, out of the blue Ray called me and asked if I would participate in a new therapy he was refining, Heart Sync. We arranged a time for him and his fellow prayer warrior Cherry to meet.
I can honestly tell you that I have never experienced such healing power! It felt like the Holy
Spirit was a consuming fire. Ray and Cherry walked me through different areas that were guarded in my life that needed to be refocused on my relationship with Christ. He explained that these guardians had been necessary in my past during fight or flight times of high stress. But that emotion is good and perhaps I had been building a fence around these guardians to protect my heart. The walls came crashing down rapidly as I reunited with the Maker of the Universe. It was the mightiest form of prayer that I have ever witnessed in my 45 years of life.
Finally at the end of our time together Ray and Cherry laid healing hands on my back which had been injured very badly during my time in the military. I could feel a pulsing sensation in my spine as the Lord healed me. They also prayed for my son and wife who had experienced recent injuries.
My sons orthopedic appointment that very day revealed his knee had been healed and his wrist was healing nicely!
Waiting with faith to see how my wife has been healed. Mining the Truth is being used mightifully by our Lord and Savior!
Thank you thank you thank you Ray and Cherry!!!