He became a Christian in S.D. 360. After seeing a vision of Christ during an illness he became hermit not far from Antioch and was said of him, “the ablest scholar the ancient Western Church could boast.”11
He is most famous for his Latin translation of the Scriptures, The Vulgate. From the Council of Trent (1545-1563) until recently, this was the only official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church.
The miraculous is often mentioned by him, especially in his work The Life of Saint Hilarion. In it he records that Jerome calmed a raging sea caused by an earthquake as the water was about to destroy the village of Epidarurus. Jerome then remarks:
Verily, what was said to the Apostles, “If ye have faith, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove into the sea, and it shall be done. May even be literally fulfilled if one has such faith as the Lord commanded the Apostles to have.12
11. Williston Walker, A History of the Christian Church, 485.
12. Jerome, The lIfe of Saint Hilarion, 313.